As we near rotation, Standard continues to be dominated by aggressive creature strategies. Mike advocates shaking it up with a dedicated control deck and provides two brand-new lists in said vein.
Karn Liberated
Ryan unveils his monoblue Trading Post deck and outlines why it is arguably the best version of the deck.
In today’s installment Jason sings the praises of Twitter’s contribution to the Magic community, offers up a visual guide to the world of Magic cuisine and discusses the latest Grand Prix results.
Mark reviews the full spoiler of M13 and analyzes its impact on Standard. What cards will we no longer have after rotation? And what their replacements, if any?
Sigmund managed to stop by SCG Worcester this past Saturday and picked up a few interesting tidbits of financial information. Sometimes trading and selling at events can yield better gains than playing.
Mike regales us with another tale from the world of the PTQ circuit. This time he waxes philosophical about handling loss before describing his recent updates to Wolf Run Blue.
Join Mike as he relates his experiences this PTQ season. In the first PTQ he narrowly misses top eight with an innovative list that aims to ramp into Frost Titan.
Chad pokes at Standard with the Pro Tour behind us to find out how to best predict the next Standard Metagame shift.
Wizards announced three more Modern Grands Prix this year, bringing the schedule to two American GPs, a Euro GP and a Canadian GP so close that I’d imagine plenty of players are hunting for their passports. Modern is a ripe field for speculation and it’s a great time to be stocking up on some hot cards for the format. This week, we’re going to take a look at what you should pick up, what you should hold off on, and what the Modern metagame will shape up to. You’re also going to get some Insider-only tech that could pay off in a big way.
Chad reflects on the season, plucking a few winners we should make certain our binders are stocked full of.
Planeswalkers have always been a popular theme for EDH decks. This week Carlos gives his take on a five-color Planeswalker-themed monstrosity!
Mike brews and successfully pilots a Thalia centered Naya build. Read up on his card choices and why he sees Thalia as positioned well in the current meta.
It’s generally accepted that Red is the worst color in Commander, but what happens when you try to build a Red deck that plays like a Blue deck? Let’s find out!