Read on for this week’s MTGO Market report from Sylvain Lehoux and Matthew Lewis, where they summarize the state of the online market and suggest key buys and sells.
Karn Liberated
Jason Alt plumbs the meager information we’ve received on Modern Masters 2015 to make some educated guesses about possible inclusions. We know two cards already and we know it’s a Limited-first set, which already tells us a lot.
As we anticipate reprints, we have to decide whether to out our personal copies or hold onto them for convenience. Danny Brown offers a summary of considerations to make when looking through your cube for high-priced cards to sell.
Mike Lanigan presents his set review of Fate Reforged, with a Top 10 list of cards to impact Standard and Modern, as well as Honorable Mentions and some closing thoughts on finance.
Derek recaps some of the most significant changes to Magic in 2014, with an eye on what’s to come in 2015.
Modern Masters 2015 is official, but little is known at the moment except for the included sets. According to Sylvain, this information is worth as much as the spoiler list of MM2015 from a speculative standpoint–take advantage of it now!
It’s official!
David Schumann checks in with the Stock Watch. Be sure to follow his explanation of the major movers from this week, and the reasons behind them.
Most Modern staples have reached a seasonal dip and good opportunities are everywhere. Sylvain discusses conventional and unconventional choices to build your Modern portfolio before PT Fate Reforged.
With Khans of Tarkir approaching, Modern cards as a whole are expecting to lose about 20% of their value. Sylvain advocates selling most of your Modern positions to keep the cash flowing and invest in other incoming opportunities.
Danny Brown scours the spoilers from Khans of Tarkir for Modern playables. So far only a few are jumping out, but they may well make their impact felt.
Adam shares his Modern metagame analysis and predictions, including what you should have prepared in your sideboard, just in time for Grand Prix Boston !
David Schumann shifts it up today with a Legacy tournament report. Read on for his account of piloting Miracles in a SCG IQ.