Rob ends the week with a freaky Friday post that’s a bit different from the previous ones.
Standard is nearing rotation but that doesn’t mean we’re lacking for action. Eddie covers the cards to hold and fold this week, including key foils, promos, and Pauper staples.
Rob thinks that now’s the time to start hoarding this card.
Eddie’s back with another edition of Hold ‘Em and Fold ‘Em. It’s a Spirits and Dragons kind of week!
Today, Mike is tackling the shifts in the Modern metagame and what they mean for the finance community.
Brian tuned in for GP Vancouver, where several cards made splashes in the new Modern environment. He looks at solid pick-ups with an eye to Modern’s future.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
Jeff Hoogland puts up another strong finish with a Jeff Hoogland deck. Kiki-Chord fans, get your new tech here!
Eric got a deck tech in SCG Louisville, but that wasn’t the highlight he was looking for for his weekend. In today’s piece, he shares the lessons he learned from the event and provides the list that he would play in GP Detroit.
Rally is the best deck in Standard. Eldrazi is the best deck in Modern. Eric is sick of them. Check out his preferred strategies for fighting our new format overlords!
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
The way you prepare for a large event can have big implications for your competitive and financial success alike. Mike discusses some important details that may be easy to overlook.