Khans of Tarkir is generating a lot of hype for the fall. Some cards are on the move based on this anticipated hype. This week Sigmund looks at the recent movers and outlines his suggested strategy based on these new prices.
Keranos God of Storms
With the recent reprint and spoiler announcements, Sigmund offers insight into how best to navigate the reintroduction of Onslaught fetch lands.
Corbin Hosler concludes his article on pickups for rotation this Fall leading into Khans of Tarkir. He explains what he’s targeting from Theros and the reasoning behind his choices.
David Schumann checks in with the MTG stock watch to see what cards have gained or lost the most this week, and to formulate buying strategies.
With M15 released on MTGO, M15, JOU and THS boosters have shown tremendous gains as booster specs. Sylvain discusses his spec with M15 boosters and invites speculators to (re)consider boosters in the future–especially with Khans of Tarkir coming up.
Ryan reports on his recent top 8 Modern PTQ placement and expounds upon Izzet’s place in the current meta.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
Ryan’s been really getting to know Izzet Delver. But what’s a tempo player to do when a wild Thrun appears? Ryan explore the options.
Adam explains the art and science behind transformational sideboards using two historic combo decks, and discusses how the strategy applies today. Don’t miss this article!
Mike Lanigan provides his recent thoughts on G/B Dredge, before recounting his rounds at a TCG Player tournament with Mono-Blue Devotion.
Mike Lanigan reviews Journey Into Nyx with his pick for the top ten cards most likely to impact Standard.
Dylan analyzes the new Gods, predicting where their values might trend in the upcoming weeks and months.
Danny looks at the inexpensive rares of Theros block in search of potential speculation home runs.