Some trends in Magic real estate are easy to predict, while some are trickier. Corbin Hosler surveys the current state of staple lands in Modern and Standard.
Knight of the Reliquary
Uncommons are a low-return investment, but can spike by enormous percentages when they hit. Danny Brown makes the case for speculating on uncommons and provides a few examples.
Ryan explores the exhaustive reasoning behind crafting a sideboard for Modern Izzet Delver.
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
Sylvain has noticed price spikes on MTGO occurring faster recently, much as with paper prices. He explains how to approach these situations prudently.
Sideboarding wins tournaments, and Adam’s one of the best in the business. If you’re playing in Grand Prix Richmond or any other Modern tournament, you’ll want to know what SB cards matter in Magic’s hottest format.
A new addition to the QS Strategy staff, the legendary Adam Yurchick looks at what sideboard cards will make an impact at the upcoming Modern Grand Prix.
Mike Lanigan, the newest member of the QS Insider team, takes a walk through Modern and discusses how and why you should get started playing this exciting and fast-growing format.
Melira-Pod is a staple of the Modern format, so understanding it is crucial whether you decide to play with it or against it. Conner walks through the card choices and discusses how and when to sideboard with this complex combo deck.
After two months of columns, Sylvain looks back to see how his specs have fared and how PT Valencia has affected Modern prices.
Mathieu discusses how to identify good targets based on what format cards are played in.