Ryan ruminates on the direction Modern might head in the coming months.
Lava Spike
Jason Alt discusses the latest self-fulfilling finance prophecies to come true of late, then jumps into decklists from GP Kansas City and SCG Worchester.
Corbin Hosler, fresh off his epic trip to GP Las Vegas, discusses some surprising data from the trade floor and movement in Modern prices.
Looking to make a statement in your next Modern Masters draft? Ryan has some tips for how to draft the Dampen Thought deck and win.
Modern Masters is flying off the shelves, with supply likely to wane soon. David Schumann asks what cards to pull out of binders during this window of opportunity.
The recent Bannings have left Ryan rather baffled. Read on to learn why he thinks the two formats in question are being led astray.
Building a good deck is more than throwing every good card from a color into a pile and shuffling them together.
Sigmund explores preordering and which cards you should pick up at their current bargain prices.
Part of speculation and long-term strategies involves making sure that your cash is doing the most work that it can. When your cards are not performing, you need to fire them and get some more productive cards on the line. This weekend at GP: Indy, I divested from several cards that I had been sitting on. The subtheme of my article is “win, lose or draw,” with a look at how an Eternal player confronts finite cash, broad possibilities and the desire to clean house.
Eventide is packed with some expensive casual and tournament cards. The set contains many enemy-colored cards, from Lieges to filter-lands. The power of the lands, along with Reflecting Pool and the Vivid cycle, let people play essentially anything they wanted in decks.
We are hot into the second half of Champions of Kamigawa this week. Though the set had less power than Mirrodin, it was still full of interesting cards. The set even has a few power uncommons that I bet you didn’t know about… no, I’m not talking about that damn Top! Find out what Rat is worth more than Meloku in this week’s article!
The fairest deck of them all has Geoff serving up the quick beats. Tapping mountains from molehills is the plan of the day, and Geoff breaks down some flavors of burn you might want to avoid, or even try!
Dr Jebus has all to you need to know on a few new cards! (Warning: Spoilers ahead!)