Mike brews and successfully pilots a Thalia centered Naya build. Read up on his card choices and why he sees Thalia as positioned well in the current meta.
Leonin Relic-Warder
Mike Lanigan looks at powerful new strategies in Standard.
Joshua Justice takes a closer look at rares mythics and playable commons and uncommons with his set review of Innistrad.
Jules writes about writing about Commander, while he’s writing about an unusual commander. Journey with Jules down a stream of Commander writing consciousness.
The first of two articles today in anticipation of Monday’s Banning announcement. Will Jace, the Mind Sculptor stay legal? What about Stoneforge Mystic? Brook Gardner-Durbin explores what options will be available to you if either or both of the above get the axe!
Continuing our exploration of Legacy and the Color Wheel, we’ll move onto the series’ second installment. You’ll find all the White cards you can comfortably prepare to see in Legacy alongside the most prominent decklists harnessing the color.
We’ve had 2 weeks of Opens to see the impact New Phyrexia has had on the Standard and Legacy tournament scenes. I’m going to focus on Standard, since the Grand Prix this weekend is Legacy, and will almost certainly have more players than the SCG Open series gets. Waiting on that will give us a bit of a better view on the format. However, for Standard, there’s no reason to wait, especially since the format hasn’t really undergone much of a change.
My quest led me down past Mirrodin, into the evil depths of Darksteel, and out along the treacherous path of Fifth Dawn. As I pressed onward, I looked back through the Scars of Mirrodin. Looking back from that perspective, it didn’t seem quite as bad. Nightmares of the Ravager long since overcome, only to be replaced over and over again. With the [card Jace, the Mind Sculptor]evil demon[/card] lurking everywhere, sometimes it’s hard to remember clearly what it was like in the past.
This time around, things are different. The story is not the same. We have [card Jace, the Mind Sculptor]the villan[/card] but no clear path to victory. In that regard the present is like the past.