Jeff Hoogland puts up another strong finish with a Jeff Hoogland deck. Kiki-Chord fans, get your new tech here!
Mike looks over the more interesting decks to come out of SCG Columbus (read: not Bant Company) and shares his financial takeaways.
Standard is highly diverse right now, and affordable as well. Chaz examines the relationship between the two to see if there’s a connection.
Ryan didn’t have a great Grand Prix, though he has an awesome deck for your consideration, as well as some notes from the event.
Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
David pores over the Top 8 decks from PT SOI. He discusses strengths and weaknesses in the metagame moving forward, and closes with the weekend’s financial takeaways.
Brian undertakes the monumental task of reviewing every major Standard card coming out of PT SOI. He explains whether each is a hold or a sell and why.
There was a time when the “good stuff” decks were three colors. In Shadows Standard, they’re mono-white.
Mike considers how the latest news about Eternal Masters and Conspiracy might affect sales this summer, before checking in with the Standard metagame.
Mike presents his Box Report for Oath of the Gatewatch! He breaks down several boxes cracked for his store’s inventory to get an idea of the average value contained in the new set.
Chaz begins his financial set review of Oath of the Gatewatch with the mythics. He breaks them down into tiers, explaining his reasoning behind each card.
Mike attended GP Pittsburgh last weekend, both to compete and hit up the dealer booths. He shares his experiences as well as a few financial tidbits.
Mike takes a look at the Modern metagame coming out of SCG Charlotte, where a large number of Origins cards made their impact felt.