Not long ago Sigmund made an interesting comparison between Magic and silver prices, but his argument missed a few points. This week he expands upon his thesis by exploring how silver, oil, and the Euro can all impact the value of your collection.
Lion’s Eye Diamond
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
The risk of reprint can make long-term investments on MTGO daunting, but Sylvain believes they are still viable. He reviews several years of price history and attempts to define a long-term strategy for carefully selected targets.
Alexander Carl checks in with the MTGO market, assessing the success of his recent investments and offering detailed analysis of various price movements.
Be prepared and get an edge on the opposition by reading Adam’s comprehensive Legacy metagame report! Find a thorough metagame analysis and updated decklists for all major archetypes within.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
Scott Fielder recently took Storm out for a spin in a local Vintage tournament. He breaks down each match and highlights several interesting decision points.
A mere two days out from the release of Vintage Masters, we’ve already seen prices jumping all over the place. Alexander Carl explains what’s going on and how to react.
The Vintage Masters card list came out on Friday. What did we learn? Are there still opportunities for profit? Alexander Carl walks us through some options.
Vintage Masters has already been a wild ride so far. As the spoilers roll in, what can you do to protect and grow your portfolio?
Vintage is an exciting format, but sometimes daunting to newcomers. Join new writer Scott Fielder as he guides you through one of Vintage’s marquee decks, Dredge.
Everyone’s talking about how Vintage Masters will affect prices of Vintage staples online–but the impact could be even greater for Legacy. Alexander Carl explains.