
Lux Cannon

My name is Joshua Justice. I’m technically a “Magic Pro” because I won a PTQ last year and made Day Two at Pro Tour: Amsterdam. In reality, I’m just a weekend grinder who’s been back in the game for a little over a year, and I’ve had a couple of successful tournaments. This story begins two weeks before Grand Prix: Atlanta, in a comic shop called The DeeP in Huntsville, Alabama. My plan that day was to play in a Grand Prix Trial, then move to Atlanta to start my new job.

There was a time when this deck was flying under the radar (well, as much as arguably the strongest deck from last season can really do) and the best reason to bring in a card like Kiln Fiend or Frost Titan was that your opponent simply sideboarded out their removal for game 2! This would also put your hapless opponent in a difficult decision for game 3 […]

I am an Aggro player at heart. Since this is my first article, I thought I’d start things off with an Aggro deck that seems like it can float under the radar with your current meta. It’s a Green and Red Aggro deck… I was working on a similar list, but since that was put on the shelf for now, I will work within what I call a “development list phase.”

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