Lys Alana Huntmaster
Rob thinks that the horde will triumph soon using this card.
Alexander presents Part 2 of the Eternal Masters draft primer alongside Limited experts Bing Luke and Matthew Watkins.
On the eve of Eternal Masters’ release, Alexander enlists the help of two expert drafters to break the set down and get a bead on the winning strategies.
Julian looks at a Commander deck that may not make any friends, but can certainly win games. If you want to empty your opponents’ hands and leave them devoid of resources, this may be the deck for you.
Witness the unveiling of Ryan’s pauper cube list and see if it inspires you to join in the awesomeness.
Pro Tour Honolulu coverage was rampant this past weekend. SCG Cincinnati exceeded 600 players in Standard! Sigmund attempts to digest all this information and talks about how to proceed from here, reflecting on the calls QS aired this past weekend.
Not sure how to build your first Commander deck? David’s here to help! This week he offers a few pointers for basic Commander deck building and walks us through Rhys the Exiled as a potential Commander!