The Mythic Invitational this weekend will be the first debut of official War of the Spark spoilers! Be sure to check back with Quiet Speculation as the info rolls in.
Wizards is supporting greedy mana bases in this format. Which types of cards are most worth splashing and which should we avoid?
Khans of Tarkir is generating a lot of hype for the fall. Some cards are on the move based on this anticipated hype. This week Sigmund looks at the recent movers and outlines his suggested strategy based on these new prices.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
The MTG community was bombarded with new information from SDCC this past Saturday. What does it all mean? This week Sigmund digests the information and shares his initial reactions in a financial context.
Alexander Carl takes on the volatile Vintage Masters market. Where is the value? When should you buy Power? And what other opportunities are presenting themselves?