Ultimate Masters is still in full bounce back mode, and the last World Magic Cup has come to a finish. Plus, some sweet Ravnica Allegiance spoilers have hit the market so there’s gonna be a nice mix of things to talk about again in this piece. Owing to the spoilers, this might be a little […]
The post MTG Metagame Finance #24 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Ultimate Masters has hit the market and there’s already been a lot of movement. The prices of the reprints dropped as they usually do when a set first hits the market. But it seems like the prices have started to rebound a lot quicker this time around. There’s a slight possibility they could drop again […]
The post MTG Metagame Finance #23 (Free Giveaway #2!) first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>This is the first article from my new series, MTG Questions. You might be familiar with the Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em series (rebranded as MTG Metagame Finance), which takes a tournament-oriented perspective. I decided to start this series to focus on more general aspects of MTG finance. The two series will work together, as when […]
The post MTG Questions: What’s an Easy Way to Sell Bulk? first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Many people have been saying there’s been a little less movement regarding Magic finance during the past few weeks or months. Some people are saying there’s a slowdown. Others are saying it’s normal because the holidays are around the corner and players have less money to spend on Magic cards. Regardless, Magic continues to move […]
The post Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em #20 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Hello, everybody and welcome to a new week of the Daily Stock Watch! Standard cards are starting to move in the wake of new brews with cards from Guild of Ravnica, and we're all but ready to see which deck will be the new Black Red Midrange (arguably the best deck from last season) of […]
The post Daily Stock Watch – Vivien Reid first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Nicolas touches on Modern and Standard in this week's BSH!
The post Insider: MTGO Cards to Buy, Sell or Hold – Episode 16 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Mike Lanigan gets a head start on Rotation, identifying which of the current crop of Standard decks is best served to stay strong after Kaladesh arrives.
The post Insider: Post Rotation Standard first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Arguably the most exciting deck from PT Eldritch Moon is Temur Emerge, though as the Top 8 of the PT demonstrated there's more than one way to build the deck.
The post Deck Overview- Temurge first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Sick of all the Collected Company in Standard? Perhaps 8/8 octopodes are more your speed.
The post Deck Overview- Simic Crush first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Standard is highly diverse right now, and affordable as well. Chaz examines the relationship between the two to see if there's a connection.
The post Insider: SOI Standard – Diverse and Affordable first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Mike Lanigan continues his review of Oath of the Gatewatch with more spoilers. Read on for his thoughts on their overall strength and their future role in Standard.
The post Insider: Evaluating Oath Spoilers (Part 2) first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Chaz is eyeing a few more cards for his April stock that he neglected to mention before. He's also considering what cards may benefit from the new ✧ mechanic. Read on for his thoughts.
The post Insider: April Inventory & A First Look at ✧ Mana first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Always looking to stay ahead of the curve, Chaz is gearing up for Spring rotation. He discusses some fundamentals and a few picks, before providing his thoughts on the Expeditions.
The post Insider: Rotate Now, Not in April first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Standard continues to deliver on the innovation front with GP Kobe last weekend. Mike picks apart some of the interesting decks from the event and presents his own build of B/W.
The post Insider: GP Kobe and the Standard Metagame first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Non-red aggro looks poised to make a comeback with Courser of Kruphix gone from Standard. Mike shares the lists he's been working on and explains the thoughts behind them.
The post Insider: Brewing Aggro in Battle for Zendikar Standard first appeared on Quiet Speculation.