Mental Misstep
Rob caps the week off with his freaky Friday safe pick here on the Daily Stock Watch!
Rob loves the idea of picking up copies of this card now. Check out why!
Mishra’s Workshop has long been one of the most broken unrestricted cards in Vintage—and price may be one factor keeping it that way. Brian explains.
DJ’s back with another iteration of Breaking Bulk, making sure you know which cards not to leave behind.
Modern isn’t the only format targeted by Modern Masters 2017 reprints. David shares his thoughts on the landscape for casual specs in the new set.
We’re seeing a clear rock-paper-scissors metagame develop in Standard, which means the staples are unlikely to change. Brian looks at some cards to pick up if you haven’t already.
Aether Revolt is soon to hit the shelves, when we’ll find out what’s a dud and what’s a sleeper. Brian shares his picks for the most over- and underrated cards.
Few would disagree that the banned list in Modern is a net benefit to the format, facilitating its legendary diversity and ensuring games remain more or less interactive. There is, however, a certain curiosity that’s hard to shake off—just what would our beloved format look like completely freed from all its shackles? No-banned-list Modern tournaments […]
Many cards will be impacted by the release of Eternal Masters, and Modern is no exception. Alexander looks at some Modern cards to target in the lead-up.
Wizards has shown a willingness to take risks unbanning powerful cards in Modern. David asks which cards on the banned list may be the next candidate for release.