The holidays are in full swing and the new year is right around the corner. And as some of you may know, the stock market has been a bit shaky in the last month or so. But it seems Magic is still doing pretty well during this slightly volatile time. I think a good portion […]
The post MTG Metagame Finance #25 first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Hello, everybody and welcome to a new week of the Daily Stock Watch! Standard cards are starting to move in the wake of new brews with cards from Guild of Ravnica, and we're all but ready to see which deck will be the new Black Red Midrange (arguably the best deck from last season) of […]
The post Daily Stock Watch – Vivien Reid first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>As a veteran Merfolk player, Scott Muir brings us guidance, strategy, and reasoning to effective sideboarding with the popular tribal Legacy deck.
The post Merfolk Versus: A Contemporary Guide to Sideboarding first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>Scott Muir gives us an event report on how he earned 3rd place at this past weekend's StarCityGames Legacy open event, including how he sideboarded for each matchup and what he would consider for future changes in the deck.
The post Top 8 with Merfolk: SCG Indianapolis first appeared on Quiet Speculation.
]]>The post 2011 Core Set Review – Blue first appeared on Quiet Speculation.