Khans of Tarkir has made its impact felt in eternal formats, and Modern is no exception. Mike Lanigan surveys the decklists from GP: Madrid to see how Modern is evolving to incorporate the new cards.
Misty Rainforest
Many boogeymen were said to have been introduced into Modern by way of Khans, but do the latest results bear that out? Corbin investigates the newest developments evidenced by the Grand Prix results.
Adam retells the many storylines of Grand Prix New Jersey. He also shares the top-performing decklists, reveals the secrets they hold, and explains their metagame position moving forward.
Ryan dissects his thoughts on the Legacy cards currently being overplayed and underplayed in the post-Khans environment.
Most Modern staples have reached a seasonal dip and good opportunities are everywhere. Sylvain discusses conventional and unconventional choices to build your Modern portfolio before PT Fate Reforged.
While the supposed Ascendancy menace in Modern failed to materialize, the impact of Khans has been nothing short of colossal. Mike Lanigan sifts through the decklists proven capable of competing in a post-Treasure Cruise world.
Ryan Top 32’d the Minneapolis Legacy Open with Izzet Delver and has a lot of thoughts on how Treasure Cruise changes the play of the deck. Find out how he thinks the deck should be built and just how much has changed!
Ryan has been Cruising in Legacy, and he’s certainly not the only one. Find out what he thinks Treasure Cruise does to the format at large and what kinds of tech people are adopting in a post-Cruise world!
Ryan missed the boat on Treasure Cruise, but now’s the time to explore the full potential of the delve mechanic. Find out his thoughts on why delve will impact every constructed format!
With Khans of Tarkir approaching, Modern cards as a whole are expecting to lose about 20% of their value. Sylvain advocates selling most of your Modern positions to keep the cash flowing and invest in other incoming opportunities.
Vintage Champs is right around the corner, and it’s never been a better time to build a gauntlet. Scott Fielder covers the essential decks to test against to prepare for the current meta.
Fetchland reprints are the big financial news from the weekend, and Jason Alt wastes no time diving in to assess their impact. Lots of Modern decks are suddenly getting better mana…
With the recent reprint and spoiler announcements, Sigmund offers insight into how best to navigate the reintroduction of Onslaught fetch lands.