Modern Masters 2017
It’s time for another Hold ‘Em & Fold ‘Em! With a recent rotation, what’s on Eddie’s mind this week?
This week has a nice focus on lands, but we’re not referring to the Legacy deck. Eddie also starts touching on Guilds of Ravnica spoilers.
I’m back this week with more of my popular financial set review, now tackling the Modern Masters 2017 rares. I won’t cover each rare in the set, but I will review the most important ones in depth. I also want to talk about a few choice uncommons, so grab your calendars and wallets. You’ll need them to plan out the […]
Mike breaks down the many big spikes we’ve seen in Standard plus a few Modern Masters 2017 cards worth keeping an eye on. Check it out!
Hey guys, I’m here this week to give you my set review of the critically acclaimed Modern Masters 2017! It might seem a little weird reviewing a set so far after release, but I have found many people asking the same questions over and over about the cards contained within. I wanted to take the time […]
In my past articles, when talking about buying a given card, the concept of “risk” has frequently come up. I’ve seen some confusion in the comments about my use of this term, which has lead to misinterpretation of the information I’m trying to convey. Some people were under the impression that I was predicting, or […]
Mike provides the comprehensive breakdown for all of the rarity-shifted cards in Modern Masters 2017.
I had pretty high hopes for Modern Masters 2017, but I’m not sure anyone had really expected what we got. This set is filled to the brim with value. There are some decks that definitely benefit a lot more from these reprints and some that got completely ignored. Unfortunately I think that is unavoidable in any set […]
This week is spoiler week for Modern Masters 2017. I’m pretty confident that my deck for today won’t see many of its pieces reprinted, but the few that could be would bring it to a rock-bottom price! Ideally this also means this article won’t be outdated once you read it, but you never know. This past weekend […]
Mike attempts to scry the future today, giving his predictions of which mythics will be (or should be) in Modern Masters 2017.
With the release of the packaging for Modern Masters 2017 this past Monday, we’ve got out first Modern Masters spoilers to talk about. While they may not seem terribly exciting or informative, they greatly influence the remaining cards that could be in the set. Let’s go through the conclusions we can draw from the revealed cards, and what future spoilers […]