

Final article of the year! Good riddance, 2020. Hopefully, things start to turn around quickly and we can have the gathering part of Magic: The Gathering back again. But, this isn’t about a virus or vaccine. Today, I have business that must be finished before 2021 begins. For the third year running, it’s time to update my […]

The world’s on fire, or so it can seem—depending on your news outlet, salvation may well be around the corner. In any case, there’s one world that’s blooming and flourishing, and that’s the world of Magic: Online Modern invention! Today, we’ll check out four of the coolest decks I’ve seen surface in December thus far, […]

But for copyright concerns, I would have led off this article with the lyrics to “Another One Bites the Dust.” I hope perfectly reasonable intellectual property law is happy with itself. There’s been another B&R Announcement. This time something actually is banned in Modern. So that’s nice. Even if it does moot a number of […]

Core Set 2021 is proving to be one of the most exciting core sets in a long time! Joe takes a look at the 4 spoilers he’s most excited about, breaking down potential speculation targets related to each of them.

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