A lot of the power and consistency of Vintage comes from the availability of tutors. Scott discusses Oath of Druids and Tinker this week and discusses how the introduction of Dack Fayden has caused some reconsideration as to what the best targets are.
Jason Alt examines the paltry impact of Born of the Gods on every format ever, asks what cards just might make it anyway, and covers SCG Nashville.
Corbin Hosler reviews his calls from Dragon’s Maze to see how accurate his predictions have proved several months down the line.
This week Corbin Hosler is back to form, examining which standouts from the Block Pro Tour are likely to make the transition to Standard next year.
Jason suggests keeping abreast of the metagame may provide a lot of insight into speculation targets, then (conveniently) covers decks from the weekend.
Mike Lanigan brings us his regularly scheduled top ten article with his pick for Constructed hits out of Dragon’s Maze.
Ryan laments the near-playability of a few new Dragon’s Maze cards in Constructed, and then applauds the wild stage he sees being set by the incoming Limited environment.
Welcome back to our exploration of Zendikar. If you were busy last week while we were plumbing the ruins of ancient tombs, take a look at Part One and you’ll catch up. Otherwise, come on in and let’s check out the second half of this set!
Eventide is packed with some expensive casual and tournament cards. The set contains many enemy-colored cards, from Lieges to filter-lands. The power of the lands, along with Reflecting Pool and the Vivid cycle, let people play essentially anything they wanted in decks.
Doug tackles the back half of Onslaught this week. Find out the best cards to make money on, from a tribal Crusade to a hungry, hungry Baloth!