Myojin of Night’s Reach
Jared reviews the tenets of honorable trading, outlining why it’s not good for anyone to assume the role of a Shark.
Carlos continues the theme of expanding on other people’s Commander decks, this time bringing us some flashback action with Dralnu, Lich Lord.
Some of Magic’s older curve-topping titans have fallen out of favor for newer, crazier bombs. This week features a unique take on one of the first cycles of gigantic creatures.
Breaking up is hard to do. Breaking things in Commander is easy. Carlos is back with a Gifts Ungiven deck, minus the Gifts. Really!
Neale polishes off the competitive commanders, and opens the floor for Azuza lists! Think you have the most savage green machine?
Sol’Kanar is firmly three colors, right? Robert takes us on a brief journey through the world of a monocolored deck for a multicolored Commander! Swamps lie ahead!