What do Richard Garfield, the Unhinged set, and the Social Contract of the Commander format have in common? Jules breaks breaks down some Mental Magic and social interactions!
Myojin of Night’s Reach
Building decks in Commander can be daunting. Carlos, our newest Commander writer, shows you how to handle it with ease! Decklists ahead!
With a tale of two Commander decks, Neale shares everything that’s right and wrong in Commander!
Neale is new to QS but not to Commander, and wastes no time jumping into his first rule: play to win.
Speculating on the contents of From the Vault: Legends, Dr Jeebus shares his perspective on what’s going into it, and why.
To kick off the new year, this week David talks about building an affordable Commander collection, finding obscure cards to play, and fawns over more Invasion block cards!