

This week’s Deck of the Week hails from the SCG Classic in Worcester from two weeks ago. Eli Kassis is a name some of you might recognize as one of the principle deckbuilders who has worked to put Retreat to Coralhelm comboĀ on the map. He helpedĀ Bant Knightfall break outĀ to much fanfare at the Invitational in […]

Enough theory, enough lists. Iā€™m back from Rome, (and back to streaming!!), which means Iā€™m back to playing a whole lot of Magic. Today weā€™ll be talking about Jeskai Control with Nahiri, the Harbinger, breaking down the decklist, exploring variations, and discussing its strengths and weaknesses in Modern. Letā€™s get to it! Jeskai Control in […]

That was quite a weekend, wasn’t it? Two Modern Grand Prix and neither was won by a Tier 1Ā deck. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Modern is wide open! You can play anything and win. The key to success isn’t positioning and metagaming, although both can help, but rather practice and mastery of […]

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