Wall St. and the Magic community were roiled on Monday by the downgrade of Hasbro’s stock. Today we break down what happened and weigh in with our perspectives.
Necromancer’s Stockpile
Zombies are a fun tribe to build around in Commander, but when you add a recurrable mass reanimation effect things get out of hand fast–enter Balthor.
Dragons of Tarkir introduces a slew of powerful but narrow spells well-suited for sideboard play. Adam identifies the cards with significant potential in current Standard or a future metagame.
Mike Lanigan is less than enthused about the eponymous dragons themselves in Dragons of Tarkir, but there’s no shortage of exciting spoiled cards. He covers the ones that have caught his eye so far.
Sylvain gives us an update on the price of M15 rares and gets ready to follow his investing strategy. He also offers his thoughts on Goblin Rabblemaster, the most expensive M15 rare so far.
After establishing a successful strategy to invest in core set mythics, Sylvain explains the strategy he intends to apply to M15 rares based on the price evolution of M14 rares this past year.
Conley came up with an awesome list for the Pro Tour!
It’s time for the M15 set review! Mike Lanigan breaks down his picks for the top ten Standard cards from the new core set, with analysis of how they’ll impact the established decks and metagame.