RW Vehicles won the week one Open of Kaladesh Standard, and control won the Pro Tour. Aggro must adapt to survive.
Needle Spires
Mike discusses a Mardu planeswalker deck poised to combat the Smuggler’s Copter metagame plus where prices from Kaladesh will go from here.
Torrential Gearhulk was met with mixed review when it was spoiled, though it’s arguably one of the best cards in Kaladesh.
It’s no secret that Smuggler’s Copter was the breakout card at SCG Indianapolis. Mike looks over decklists and starts brainstorming some possible answers.
The Kaladesh spoilers have started rolling in and Brian is already considering what to acquire for rotation. Here are eight Standard cards to pick up.
Mike surveys the most prominent lands to see play in Modern, to take stock of current prices and their likely future trajectory.
By now everyone knows Nahiri, the Harbinger is the real deal in Modern. Mike identifies three traits that exemplify a Modern breakout card, and suggests several pick-ups.
Ryan breaks down the results of the Pro Tour and highlights the strategies that he believes will have the most success going forward.
David pores over the Top 8 decks from PT SOI. He discusses strengths and weaknesses in the metagame moving forward, and closes with the weekend’s financial takeaways.
Brian undertakes the monumental task of reviewing every major Standard card coming out of PT SOI. He explains whether each is a hold or a sell and why.
There were eight unique decks in the Top 8 of PT:SOI, but the diversity doesn’t stop there!
Mike presents his first “tournament finance report” from the Columbus Invitational! Join him as he examines finance and metagame trends through the lens of each round.
As it turns out, we will have another cycle of allied lands. Read on as Ryan explores the implications of this and other spoilers on Shadows Standard.