Ryan has had mixed results with Lightning Helix in Modern, but that doesn’t mean he’s about to give up on the tempo strategy. Find out his thoughts on the optimal build for Modern Delver in the current meta.
Crafting an aggressive deck can be hard in a world full of Siege Rhinos, but several strategies have proven successful. Mike Lanigan looks over recent contenders and suggests his own Mono-Black Abzan build.
Ryan is excited that Delver is finally a tier one strategy in Modern. Find out what he thinks might be the best version of the deck and what his thoughts are as Grand Prix Omaha approaches!
Khans of Tarkir has made its impact felt in eternal formats, and Modern is no exception. Mike Lanigan surveys the decklists from GP: Madrid to see how Modern is evolving to incorporate the new cards.
Ryan posted a limited PTQ Top 8 this weekend but did not perform as well in the Standard IQ he played. He is determined to see more success in Standard and has an idea of how he wants to get there. Read on to find out why he thinks Searing Blood might be the answer!
While the supposed Ascendancy menace in Modern failed to materialize, the impact of Khans has been nothing short of colossal. Mike Lanigan sifts through the decklists proven capable of competing in a post-Treasure Cruise world.
Adam digs into recent tournament results to find some hidden gems that are poised to change the Standard format from its core. Don’t miss this article!
If you’re getting into Standard, you can’t just expect to flip the deck later to recuperate your entry price. Danny Brown breaks down the cost and expected buylist price for the major Standard decks.
Mike Lanigan examines the tokens strategy in Standard that appeared at the Pro Tour, and offers his take. The centerpiece of the deck, Purphoros, packs a wallop and may be well positioned financially as well.
Ryan has blue on the brain. Find out his thoughts on how best to implement Master of Waves in Theros-Khans Standard!
Mike Lanigan goes over the results from the Pro Tour, discussing both the Standard metagame as it is shaping up, and the financial implications.
Ryan played a variant of the Jeskai Wins deck at States this weekend. Find out what he believes works and what doesn’t, and which direction he thinks the deck should be heading!