Nezumi Graverobber
Rob has the jury out for this legend from Kamigawa.
Rob features Geth, Lord of the Vault on the Freaky Friday edition of the Daily Stock Watch!
Brian DeMars introduces his brainchild Magic variant, the Danger Room. He shares his current list and the philosophy behind it, before looking at Origins for new additions.
Carlos develops another Second Sunrise deck, this time with Vish Kal at the helm. Find out how profitable sacrificing your own creatures can be.
Carlos tackles one of the most difficult questions facing the Commander community today: How can we reconcile different expectations of competitiveness while ensuring everyone is having fun?
The Zombie tribe has gotten a ton of new tools so far in Innistrad Block. After the release weekend, Carlos has some Gravecrawlers and a Grimgrin and can’t resist taking them for a spin!