Morgan’s here to cover today’s Commander 2017 deck review: Arcane Wizardry.
Niels is here to give us his take on every card in the Commander 2017 Dragon deck, Draconic Domination!
David believes The Locust God could be the next Commander card to drive up demand for synergistic cards from the past. He looks at some cards that may benefit.
This week, some cards from Commander 2017 were leaked three months ahead of the release, and Adam’s here to cover what we know and what it means.
Mike Lanigan does a box report on Modern Masters 2015, opening several boxes of sealed product to estimate the value you can expect to get.
In this new chapter of his Nine Months of Portfolio Management, Sylvain discusses the poor decisions he made with Return to Ravnica block cards–the losing category of his portfolio–and explain what not to do with Standard positions.
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
Danny shares tips on how he approaches spoiler season smartly.
Standard is a wide open format right now, which means lots of people are inventing sweet brews. Mike surveys the field for some strategies you may have overlooked.
Can one devise a Commander tournament that abides by the format’s spirit of sportsmanship and social play? Andy Martin has a few ideas for possible solutions.
Mark reviews the full spoiler of M13 and analyzes its impact on Standard. What cards will we no longer have after rotation? And what their replacements, if any?