Corbin Hosler concludes his article on pickups for rotation this Fall leading into Khans of Tarkir. He explains what he’s targeting from Theros and the reasoning behind his choices.
Nykthos Shrine to Nyx
As we head into rotation, Danny Brown highlights a few recommended pickups and observes how bulk rares are behaving differently this year.
Mike Lanigan runs through his initial build of Mono-Green Devotion, powered up by all sorts of M15 goodies. This deck is sure to be a part of the new meta, so don’t come unprepared!
Not everything you bring to large events to out should end up in someone else’s clutches. Jason Alt covers some important reasons to hold onto cards.
The MTG community was bombarded with new information from SDCC this past Saturday. What does it all mean? This week Sigmund digests the information and shares his initial reactions in a financial context.
It’s time for the M15 set review! Mike Lanigan breaks down his picks for the top ten Standard cards from the new core set, with analysis of how they’ll impact the established decks and metagame.
Mike Langian continues his review of M15 for Standard, covering blue and white. Be sure to tune in next week for the final section!
We’re soon to enter that strange limbo time in Standard when both core sets contribute to a brewer’s paradise. Jason Alt asks how to take advantage of this pre-rotation mayhem.
With a few M15 spoilers out, Ryan takes an early survey of the post-RtR Standard environment and highlights some exciting options for the future.
Standard rotation brings many prices to their lowest. Through some examples of his Nine Months of Portfolio Management series, Sylvain exposes which cards are likely to constitute good investments when fall comes.