Mike Lanigan presents a swath of interesting and powerful decks in Tiny Leaders as an introduction to the format. You’ll have to be prepared to face these staple generals.
Oblivion Ring
The new iteration of the MTGO Cube only includes nine cards from Khans of Tarkir. Check out the most blatant omissions here.
Mike Lanigan tackles spoilers from Khans of Tarkir, focusing on the Ascendancy cycle. While these cards don’t fit perfectly into existing decks, they show great promise for anyone willing to build around them.
Be prepared and get an edge on the opposition by reading Adam’s comprehensive Legacy metagame report! Find a thorough metagame analysis and updated decklists for all major archetypes within.
A quick breakdown of the uncommon and common removal and combat tricks available to white in M15 Limited.
Corbin Hosler checks in with his set review of Journey Into Nyx to see how his predictions fared this go-around.
Today David Schumann looks at the financial implications of Conspiracy. How much will this set’s chase rares drop, and when is the right time to start picking them up?
Ryan’s been really getting to know Izzet Delver. But what’s a tempo player to do when a wild Thrun appears? Ryan explore the options.
Corbin Hosler takes one last look at Theros Block Constructed, going a little beyond the PT top eight to find possible gems.
Planeswalkers present a unique opportunity to the trader with the right outs available. Today Jason Alt outlines a specific trading strategy involving the iconic card type.
Adam breaks down the winning decklist from the Modern Bazaar of Moxen 2014, and he teaches how to properly sideboard against the format! Print out this visual sideboarding guide and bring it to your next event–Modern season is upon us!
Mike Lanigan reviews Journey Into Nyx with his pick for the top ten cards most likely to impact Standard.
Corbin Hosler gears up for the prerelease with a review of notable card prices from the new set. What is over- and underpriced, and why?