Mike Lanigan presents his Box Report for Battle for Zendikar, calculating the value of several opened boxes to get empirical data on the EV of the set.
Oblivion Sower
Adam looks at the biggest price winners of last week from both Battle for Zendikar and the rest of Standard, and discusses where they might head next.
When it was first spoiled, players were pretty down on Oblivion Sower. Now it’s arguably one of the best cards in the set.
Brian has been testing the new Standard format in preparation for SCG Indianapolis. He shares the cards from BFZ that have performed well, along with the financial takeaways.
It’s that time again! Chaz starts his financial evaluation of Battle for Zendikar, starting with a list of each mythic by tier and an explanation for his thoughts.
Chaz discusses some of the important questions being debated during Battle for Zendikar spoilers, including the effect Expeditions may have on overall set prices.
A new Duel Deck is here, and with it we have two new mechanics spoiled!