Ryan reports on his recent top 8 Modern PTQ placement and expounds upon Izzet’s place in the current meta.
Oblivion Stone
Adam shares his Modern metagame analysis and predictions, including what you should have prepared in your sideboard, just in time for Grand Prix Boston !
David Schumann reviews the new cards in M15 for Eternal playability. Which cards may make an impact in Legacy and/or Modern?
The fifteen mythics of M15 are now revealed, and they aren’t like anything we have seen before. Sylvain discusses the major differences compared to the three previous core sets. Will it impact speculation on MTGO?
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
How do you put a sideboard together that answers all of Modern’s metagame? By focusing on general answers, not specific bullets – and Adam shows you how with Green Urzatron today.
Danny looks at the inexpensive rares of Theros block in search of potential speculation home runs.
This week Sylvain provides an update of his portfolio, before discussing some exciting writing projects in the works!
Sylvain Lehoux offers an update of his MTGO portfolio, explaining which cards he has been buying and selling, and why.
Vintage is coming to MTGO this summer by means of Vintage Masters. Sylvain Lehoux picks some Vintage staples that may rise as a result.
Several months in advance of the Modern season, prices are already moving on MTGO. Sylvain Lehoux looks at the state of Modern in light of data from past years.