This month David is digging into the data and highlighting fringe decks that appear. This week he looks at a new take on the Glimpse of Tomorrow deck.
Omnath Locus of creation
Modern is finally settling down, but not so peacefully; as the smoke clears, a potential Tier 0 contender seems to be raising its head!
David E. notices a troubling trend among Omnath decks: they’re warping and converging further. The common thread? Risen Reef is better than everything!
David explores the implications of April’s metagame data, fleshing out the state of Cascade Crashers, the dangers of Amulet Titan, and the likelihood of bans.
David explains the latest Modern metagame update: what do the numbers mean for tournament prep and budgeting? And which card offers players its own market game?
David breaks down the first Modern metagame since the Lurrus ban, revealing some expected churn as the format gets used to UR Murktide’s increased shares.
David’s got plenty of data for this year’s February metagame update. Spoiler: Hammer and Shadow reign supreme!
New year, who this? January 2022 heralds the end of Hammer Time’s iron reign, the diversification of Omnath piles, and the rise of a nostalgic old favorite.
Jordan applies pillar thinking to Modern, identifying five distinct macro-archetypes to carve out a holistic picture of the format.
David closes the books on 2021 with a full-on year-end metagame report. Best performers? Biggest disappointments? Place your bets and see!
Wizards just announced a swath of exciting bans hitting Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Legacy, and Vintage. Today, Joe takes a look at the bannings, celebrates Oko finally leaving Legacy, and discusses what these bans could mean for the MTG Finance world.
Kaldheim is out and starting to impact constructed formats! Joe takes a look at the three singles he’s most excited from in the set and their potential to be good speculations for your spec box.
Paper Magic tournaments are going to come back someday post-pandemic which will undoubtedly lead to an increase in paper Magic card prices. Modern especially seems like a format prime for price increases, and today Joe takes a look at three popular decks from the Modern meta that are full of prime speculation targets.