The Commander 2014 release sported some unexpected inclusions that threw a wrench is many speculators’ plans. David Schumann takes stock of the situation and explains what we can expect from Wizards moving forward.
Oracle of Mul Daya
Every year the block format presents unique opportunities for speculation. Corbin outlines the basics and sees how they apply to Theros.
Mike Lanigan reviews Journey Into Nyx with his pick for the top ten cards most likely to impact Standard.
Jason Alt covers the best from the world of MTG podcasting and the results from GP Melbourne and SCG Atlanta.
Jason Alt examines the paltry impact of Born of the Gods on every format ever, asks what cards just might make it anyway, and covers SCG Nashville.
Today Corbin looks back on his set review of Theros to see how accurate his predictions turned out.
It’s time for the set review! Mike Lanigan discusses the best Standard cards in Born of the Gods and how they will impact the format.
Several months in advance of the Modern season, prices are already moving on MTGO. Sylvain Lehoux looks at the state of Modern in light of data from past years.
David Schumann analyzes data on the price behavior of casual/EDH staples and explains the implications for picking up long-term specs at rotation.
David Schumann discusses some casual staples with unexpectedly high prices that you may still be able to find in binders or “bulk boxes” at stores.
Andy walks us through one of his more powerful Commander decks, based on library manipulation and headed by Maelstrom Wanderer. If you’ve ever longed to go nuts with Call of the Wild or Proteus Staff, read on.
Back to form, Carlos discusses a combo deck that animates lands and puts them on the chopping block. How does one win after ‘geddoning oneself into oblivion? Read on to find out.
Uriah of CMDRDecks has a submitted a sweet Goblins Wort deck for suggestions. Can Carlos find some ways to push the themes and make the deck go bigger?