Rally is the best deck in Standard. Eldrazi is the best deck in Modern. Eric is sick of them. Check out his preferred strategies for fighting our new format overlords!
Overgrown Tomb
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
Looking for some sweet Modern decks to play in a Modern without Twin or Bloom? Check out the sweet lists that Ryan Hipp has been working on!
Are you operating on a limited budget for Magic? Do you own a Modern deck yet? Ryan makes the case for this simple acquisition as the perfect budget investment.
Brian believes 2016 will be a banner year for Modern. Hear his predictions for the coming year in which the format will enjoy greater support from SCG and WotC.
Mike attended GP Pittsburgh last weekend, both to compete and hit up the dealer booths. He shares his experiences as well as a few financial tidbits.
The way you prepare for a large event can have big implications for your competitive and financial success alike. Mike discusses some important details that may be easy to overlook.
Ryan expects a wide open field for PT Battle for Zendikar, an environment Four-Color Control is uniquely positioned to capitalize on. He shares his thoughts and a rough sketch of the deck.
This one is bound to be a casual favorite, and it just might have legs in Modern. Or hooks.
Julian shares the latest version of his first Commander deck, based around Karador, Ghost Chieftain.
Mike Lanigan looks at the newly announced Zendikar Expeditions and compares them to past foil mythics to predict their future price point.
Mike takes a look at the Modern metagame coming out of SCG Charlotte, where a large number of Origins cards made their impact felt.
Julian looks at a Commander deck that may not make any friends, but can certainly win games. If you want to empty your opponents’ hands and leave them devoid of resources, this may be the deck for you.