The fifteen mythics of M15 are now revealed, and they aren’t like anything we have seen before. Sylvain discusses the major differences compared to the three previous core sets. Will it impact speculation on MTGO?
Pack Rat
We’re soon to enter that strange limbo time in Standard when both core sets contribute to a brewer’s paradise. Jason Alt asks how to take advantage of this pre-rotation mayhem.
Grand Prix Moscow 2014 has been completed, and the winner is Igor Gorbunov with R/W Burn!
This week Adam takes a step back and examines the fundamentals to designing and tuning your own deck’s sideboard, including the type of cards to keep in mind when analyzing the meta and deciding on your own 15.
Standard rotation has a strong effect on MTGO prices. Sylvain graphs out past trends and explains how this period of the year affects Standard speculations, particularly with cards from older sets.
Picking up where Sylvain left off, he explores the success of M14 rares in his MTGO Portfolio Management series.
Mike Lanigan is equipped with a brand new Standard brew, G/W Constellation. He shares his thought process building it and the final result.
Mike Lanigan provides his recent thoughts on G/B Dredge, before recounting his rounds at a TCG Player tournament with Mono-Blue Devotion.
Mike Lanigan covers a variety of topics in today’s article, including an update of Standard Dredge with the new Journey cards.
Danny identifies some useful methods for finding speculation targets when nothing obvious is popping up on your radar.
Mathieu takes a serious look at one of Journey into Nyx‘s new mechanics, Constellation, to see if there is a new archetype to be crafted.