Follow Luca as he goes through every single investment he made on MTGO in the past 45 days, to learn from both his successes and mistakes.
Painful Truths
The Intelligent Investor has been a seminal work on investment strategy for decades. Luca presents the spark notes version of the book and explains how it applies to Magic investment.
Chaz introduces the concept of Eternal, the newly proposed format that has become a community-driven project to solve the problems of Modern and Legacy.
Brian takes on the ever-important task of evaluating his past picks for success and failure, focusing on the past two months.
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
With Standard manabases today you can basically play whatever you want. Mike shares the Jeskai Prowess brew he’s been working on before looking at cards to keep through rotation.
Trying to predict the next big breakout card (or dud)? Read on for an infographic of the cards from BFZ that underwent the biggest price shifts since release.
Oath of the Gatewatch really shook up Standard in Atlanta. Check out Eric’s thoughts on the new state of the format!
Mike presents his Box Report for Oath of the Gatewatch! He breaks down several boxes cracked for his store’s inventory to get an idea of the average value contained in the new set.
If you’re torn between your love of drawing cards and your love of attacking, then this is the perfect deck for you.
Preorder prices are seldom spot-on. Find out which cards Ryan predicts will see the biggest corrections after Oath of the Gatewatch launches.