Shadows over Innistrad spoilers start today, and Modern already has two exciting new cards. Today, Sheridan explores Archangel Avacyn and Thing in the Ice in Modern.
Path to Exile
Mike headed to GP Detroit last weekend to partake in the much-maligned Eldrazi Winter. Hear how his tournament went and his thoughts on the Modern format.
The Grand Prix weekend showcased the most broken metagame in Modern’s history. Sheridan looks past the inevitable ban for technology and strategies to invest in before April.
Several niche Modern staples have seen massive price spikes following the Eldrazi takeover. Sheridan evaluates two of them to see if they will hold value or crash.
Eric got a deck tech in SCG Louisville, but that wasn’t the highlight he was looking for for his weekend. In today’s piece, he shares the lessons he learned from the event and provides the list that he would play in GP Detroit.
Join Sylvain for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO. He goes over the latest buys and sells and provides the reasoning behind them.
Ryan is sick of losing to Eldrazi, so he decided to give the deck a try. Spoiler alert, he won a lot of matches with the deck.
Rally is the best deck in Standard. Eldrazi is the best deck in Modern. Eric is sick of them. Check out his preferred strategies for fighting our new format overlords!
Sylvain presents another week of high stakes bankroll management, with a detailed summary of buys and sells from his MTGO portfolio.
Looking for a way to beat Eldrazi without playing a hyper-aggressive or gimmicky deck? How does Spreading Seas Control sound to you?
Mike sifts through the archetypes that battled through the Eldrazi-infested metagame to a positive finish at the Pro Tour. Could one of these decks dethrone the Eldrazi menace?
Want to play Zoo in Modern with colored spells? Check out Michael Majors’ 8-2 list from PT Oath of the Gatewatch!
As we wade through the fallout of Modern’s Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch, Sheridan is here to pick apart the results to find the next big thing in the evolving, Eldrazi-ridden format.