Last week Brian explained his overall strategy for speculating around Modern Masters 2017. Now with the full spoiler out, it’s time to apply the theory to some concrete picks.
Phyrexian Obliterator
Enemy-colored fastlands look to be some of the biggest Modern hits out of Kaladesh. Sheridan breaks down where they might go and how much they might cost.
The full MM2 spoiler list is out. How will the MTGO market be affected?
The new Legacy Cube update is straight-up insulting to hardcore fans of the format.
The Commander 2014 release sported some unexpected inclusions that threw a wrench is many speculators’ plans. David Schumann takes stock of the situation and explains what we can expect from Wizards moving forward.
With Khans of Tarkir approaching, Modern cards as a whole are expecting to lose about 20% of their value. Sylvain advocates selling most of your Modern positions to keep the cash flowing and invest in other incoming opportunities.
With a pretty stagnant Standard format, Mike Lanigan has been turning his eye to Modern. He shares some new lists that have popped up, as well as his own innovations.
For speculators, the new core set release is often a sign of good opportunity. Sylvain reviews what he thinks might be worth picking up in Theros block, Modern and Vintage during the upcoming M15 release events.
Ryan explores the exhaustive reasoning behind crafting a sideboard for Modern Izzet Delver.
Watch and learn from Magic Online’s Player of the Year as he brews up a deck that can obliterate the opponent’s board.
Watch and learn from Zwischenzug as he attempts to find a home in Modern for the powerful Phyrexian Obliterator. Over 90 minutes of game play video!
Dylan analyzes the new Gods, predicting where their values might trend in the upcoming weeks and months.