
Plague Rats

It’s no secret: Alpha cards are very expensive now. There are just not very many copies to go around. But what about Beta? It’s print run is larger, but relative to the player base, it’s still tiny. This week Sig examines the Beta market and shares his thoughts on Beta’s likely price trajectory.

Magic finance and Magic play are two separate hobbies nowadays. They are frequently in tension with each other–an optimal choice in one may be suboptimal in the other. This week Sig reflects on this tension and shares personal anecdotes for how it has impacted his buy/sell decisions.

MTG finance has been on the receiving end of some backlash recently after rampant buyouts catalyzed by Modern Horizons spoilers. But is it deserved? This week Sig examines this nefarious buyout behavior and explains how it could be harming the broader community.

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Quiet Speculation