Plasm Capture
Danny shares tips on how he approaches spoiler season smartly.
What should you be doing with cards you aren’t playing with? Danny confronts this issue as it pertains to his own substantial collection.
Jason Alt weighs in on the B&R announcement, insider trading, and the possibility that Born of the Gods is, just maybe, underrated.
Mike Lanigan discusses the development of his own bulk box before taking a look at the newest Standard decks to hit the metagame.
Danny launches into a full assessment of the current state of his trade binder, analyzing the directions he sees many cards going in the coming weeks and months.
Setting up a bot on MTGO for the first time can be a daunting process. Sébastien Morin has recently taken the dive, and he describes his experience and what he learned.
Jason suggests keeping abreast of the metagame may provide a lot of insight into speculation targets, then (conveniently) covers decks from the weekend.