Eddie takes a look at some cards to pick up during the winter lull, and prepares us for more Ravnica Allegiance spoiler speculation.
The QSCast crew is back with Conspiracy coverage and more in another informative podcast!
Corbin Hosler just returned from the SCG Open in Dallas. Read as he recounts his experience and shares what cards were in demand on the trade floor.
Corbin Hosler reviews his predictions from Magic 2013 with an eye on how things will shake out with Return to Ravnica!
Corbin Hosler breaks down what overlooked cards from the last two sets are actually casual gold!
Corbin Hosler makes his predictions for Magic 2013 in his usual, profitable set review and Prerelease Primer!
Corbin Hosler offers a detailed breakdown of the Top 8 results from the Modern GP: Yokohama, and identifies several excellent opportunities for traders!
Corbin Hosler examines the how the unbanning of Land Tax and the lack of bannings everywhere else will affect the market! What does it all mean?
This week on CommanderCast Andy is joined by Sean, CaptainRedZone and William to discuss the new Planechase 2012 product with a side of Rhys the Redeemed. The two discussions overlap a bit, but for the most part we’re focusing on the new Planechase product here.
Corbin Hosler grades his predictions from Avacyn Restored, see what cards he correctly predicted doubling up in price!
Get caught up on CommanderCast goodness. Tune in here to stream episodes 2-6 as QS gets back to weekly postings.
Corbin Hosler explains why now is the time to get back in Modern, and tells you what cards he’s picking up!