Polymorphist’s Jest
Morgan’s here to cover today’s Commander 2017 deck review: Arcane Wizardry.
Ryan has blue on the brain. Find out his thoughts on how best to implement Master of Waves in Theros-Khans Standard!
It’s time for the set review review again. This week Corbin Hosler assesses his calls from M15 to see how his predictions panned out.
After establishing a successful strategy to invest in core set mythics, Sylvain explains the strategy he intends to apply to M15 rares based on the price evolution of M14 rares this past year.
Adam breaks down the entire M15 spoiler and identifies what cards are most likely to see play in Standard sideboards!
Mike Langian continues his review of M15 for Standard, covering blue and white. Be sure to tune in next week for the final section!