“Comp-letely Nuts,” or the apparent consensus surrounding Ikoria’s flagship mechanic. Two weeks back, we looked at the interesting new decks popping up using companion, because why wouldn’t they? Today, we’ll explore the rest of May’s entrants in a final goodbye to companion in Modern as we know it. Mo’ Mana, Mo’ Problems You of anyone […]
Primeval Titan
In a time where we’re all homebound, there’s no better opportunity to sit down and pick through bulk! Brady combs over War of the Spark to find the best bulk picks in the next update of his Bulk to Bayou series.
*Sigh* Oh, Magic Online. It is only now, with paper Magic shut down, that I am forced to regularly use you. And remember that I love/hate you. The ability to pick up and play my preferred format anytime, and against anyone in the world, is a true joy. Having to navigate your stubbornly obtuse command schemes […]
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Despite recent bannings, the targeted decks are rising up again, reinventing themselves in novel ways. Axing Once Upon a Time from the format heralded an imminent paradigm shift for Amulet Titan, an enduring archetype that had redesigned itself around the free cantrip so drastically as […]
Monday’s update to the Banned and Restricted list, has impacted the market of multiple formats, and today Adam shares some winners from the changes.
The Pioneer market has slowed down after the Players Tour, but there are still spec targets hiding in this and every other format if you know how to look for them.
That Modern is changing should be obvious: there’s a lower-power set coming out and we just had a major banning. But how Modern is changing is an open question. The only major Modern events for the next month are SCG Classics and Team Opens, which aren’t the most reliable sources for data. So we’ll have […]
Part III is here! Kyle goes beyond the basics and explores a few more “advanced” applications of renting, strategies useful to both investors and players alike.
An analysist goes to work with the data he’s given. With Modern on the competitive backburner for the past few weeks, I’ve lacked the means to properly dig into the metagame ahead of GP Columbus this weekend. As a result, I am looking a bit further afield into events that I normally wouldn’t analyze. Fortunately, […]
Kyle breaks down where you should be looking to park your tix in the wake of Pioneer, and why it’s not necessarily in Pioneer cards.
SCG Indi was an important week both for Sam and for Magic at large. Check in with Sam here to find out what he learned over the weekend and what lies ahead.
With Mythic Championship II in the books, Chris takes a look at the decks that benefited from the London Mulligan, and their key cards he’s considering as specs.
Christopher knows accountability is always crucial in speculation. After ten weeks of articles for QS, he looks back to evaluate how his speculation calls have fared.