For budget-conscious players the recent bannings may have struck a big blow, but you don’t have to quit Modern! Mike explains how to convert Twin and Amulet Bloom into new decks with a few key investments.
Primeval Titan
Modern gets a big banlist update on January 18. Sheridan is here to predict the outcomes and advise how to make money on the announcement.
It’s 2016, and I feel like brewing. I’m not sure why, as usually I leave that business to the Sam Blacks of the world. Regardless, an overabundance of creativity resulting from the potent combination of Christmastime and copious amounts of free time off from architecture has put me in an interesting mood, and I just […]
2016 promises to be a big year for Modern, and Sheridan is here with three (and a half) predictions to ring in the new year!
Brian weighs in on the Modern banned list, surveying all the cards he thinks might see a change in February. He discusses the likelihood of each and what it would entail financially.
With the rash of spoilers from Oath of the Gatewatch, there are a lot of new cards to evaluate. Mike breaks down the competitive credentials of the mythics and predicts their early prices.
When I predicted Scapeshift would hit the Top 8 of Grand Prix Pittsburgh, I expected a traditional Temur shell built around the namesake finisher. Thien Nguyen skipped the countermagic and went right for the kill. Piloting an explosive, linear, and focused Scapeshift list, Nguyen blasted his way to a 7th place finish at the Grand Prix. Was […]
With eight rounds of Modern, the SCG Invitational was an exciting proving ground for some of the format’s best decks. Sheridan covers three big winners from the tournament!
Wizards recently announced Stoneforge Mystic as the 2016 GP promo. Could this herald a potential unbanning in Modern? Sheridan breaks the evidence down.
Some Scapeshift players have been adding a color to support Bring to Light. Meanwhile, Thien Nguyen believes that three was too many.
From the RPTQ results two weeks ago to GP Pittsburgh’s Top 8, Modern is showcasing a diverse and healthy metagame. Doug surveys the Top 8 and offers his insight.
With the RPTQ results and October metagame numbers in the books, Sheridan points to the best investments going into next week’s GP Pittsburgh.
The Legacy GP in Seattle-Tacoma begins this weekend. Adam identifies the best options for attacking the field, and shares his picks for cards with the most potential to win in the marketplace.