

Guildpact is the second set in Ravnica block, bringing us The Orzhov, Izzet and Gruul guilds. Or, if you prefer, the B/W, U/R and R/G color combinations. It was a fine set, especially because it deeply explored B/W. Guildpact brought the guilds’ shocklands, along with a few other money cards. Let’s take a look at Ravnica Block’s second set this week!

Onslaught was a momentous set. The cards catered to a huge number of casual players who wanted support for their tribal decks, with support for Elves, Goblins and other, newly-ordained tribes like Soldiers and Wizards. It’s hard to believe that before Onslaught, “tribal” wasn’t really much of a term to describe the mechanic. The set had plenty for tournament players, too.

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