Ryan explores the exhaustive reasoning behind crafting a sideboard for Modern Izzet Delver.
Pyromancer Ascension
Sylvain unveils the groundwork to his recent MTGO portfolio management experiment. What did he do with thousands of tix?
Ryan breaks down and tweaks the Modern UR Delver list in preparation for GP Minneapolis in a few weeks.
How do you put a sideboard together that answers all of Modern’s metagame? By focusing on general answers, not specific bullets – and Adam shows you how with Green Urzatron today.
This week Sylvain provides an update of his portfolio, before discussing some exciting writing projects in the works!
The 2013 MTGO Player of the Year explains how to play and sideboard with this Modern control deck. Includes a Visual Sideboarding Guide!
Dylan shines a light on the under-explored market for foils.
“Affinity loses to cards, not decks.” What does that even mean? Find out as Ryan takes the plunge into learning the in’s and out’s of Modern Affinity deck in preparation for GP: Minneapolis.
Sylvain has noticed price spikes on MTGO occurring faster recently, much as with paper prices. He explains how to approach these situations prudently.
Dylan reacts to the results from the Pro Tour, and discusses how to apply what has been learned to the trading floor.
After two months of columns, Sylvain looks back to see how his specs have fared and how PT Valencia has affected Modern prices.
We might have seen a record number of 100%+ gainers last week thanks to Pro Tour Valencia. Sigmund looks at which price jumps will stick and which are destined to retrace back down.
Several months in advance of the Modern season, prices are already moving on MTGO. Sylvain Lehoux looks at the state of Modern in light of data from past years.