Corbin always advocates picking up Modern staples out of season, which seems all the more prudent in light of recent spikes. What cards should you target at the moment?
Raging Ravine
With the next Modern PTQ season looming on the horizon, Danny provides his speculation picks for the format.
Last weekend Sigmund skipped the main event at GP Louisville to focus his energy on selling to dealers. Today he summarizes his observations from this novel experience.
Corbin Hosler examines the aftermath of the last few prominent Modern spikes, and explains what it means for future Modern speculation.
Matthew Lewis believes the effect of Cube on ROE singles prices this go around will follow a different pattern than with ZZW queues. He compares the two formats and explains why.
Jared Elick is still actively trading for Modern cards he believes are undervalued. Modern Masters will not reprint everything, and staples command consistent prices on the trade floor.
This year’s Modern season departs with one last huzzah, GP San Diego. Mike Lanigan looks over decklists and discusses the last-minute developments.
Matthew Lewis examines the price behavior of Zendikar block staples in the wake of the extra supply from ZZW queues, and asks where they are headed.
With the Standard metagame stabilizing, Sigmund turns his sights to Modern for the next opportunities. He looks ahead with an eye towards Modern Masters and the possible price implications.
Mike shares a recent brew of his combining Jund with elements of Boss Naya from years ago, notably the machine gun kill of Staticaster plus Nightshade Peddler.
This week Ryan riffs on some of the theories behind land count and attempts to go deep on his love of the 27th.
Grand Prix: Chicago was this past weekend and the format was Modern. How good for us! Modern moves a lot of card prices, even though it doesn’t get played that much. It’s the reason that Remand and Kitchen Finks are worth so much; why Path to Exile pushes $5. The PTQ season is coming up and Modern cards are going to be in demand for awhile. With continued WOTC support, with Modern Masters, with shocklands being reprinted, this format is coming together… if it can deal with Jund.
Corbin Hosler tells you why you’re doing it wrong by evaluating just the Top 8 lists from Pro Tour: Return To Ravnica, and explains why Moderns Masters is not something to be scared of!