Considering the ideal opening of a new deck can lead you down different paths in deckbuilding. Mike Lanigan breaks down the major Standard contenders according to their opening plan, and explains what that says about their strategy.
Modern Masters 2015 is official, but little is known at the moment except for the included sets. According to Sylvain, this information is worth as much as the spoiler list of MM2015 from a speculative standpoint–take advantage of it now!
In this last of four installments, we review Garruk vs. Liliana, and discuss whether Duel Decks: Anthology is a buy at MSRP.
Melira-Pod is a staple of the Modern format, so understanding it is crucial whether you decide to play with it or against it. Conner walks through the card choices and discusses how and when to sideboard with this complex combo deck.
Danny analyzes the progression of Event Decks throughout their relatively short life span, in an attempt to gain insight regarding their financial significance.
Jason Alt makes the impassioned case for playing more casual Magic before covering tournament results from around the world.
Mike Lanigan runs back his Aristocrats 3.0 deck from last week for a TCG Bronze event and makes finals again. Read on for the report.
Thragtusk is yet again dominating Standard. Mike Lanigan attempts to solve the format with a series of decks well-positioned against the card.
Ryan provides updates to his Domri Naya deck to reflect what he’s learned from playtesting for upcoming Standard PTQ’s.
Ryan recounts his trip to the SCG Open weekend in Kansas City, breaking down his performance with the Standard Naya deck he built and played. Read on to see his analysis of the shape Standard is taking as the season’s first PTQ’s go in the books.
Ryan has jumped on the slowly-growing Domri Rade bandwagon, and offers up several Naya lists for your consideration as the Standard PTQ season gets under way.
Mike Lanigan examines some interesting tweaks of Standard decks built to attack the metagame from a different position.