Matthew Lewis presents the MTGO Market Report for this week, evaluating important events in the online market and highlighting a “trade of the week.”
Reality Smasher
With the addition of new Shadows over Innistrad staples, Dredge is making waves in Modern. Sheridan advises how to invest intelligently in the new powerhouse.
Mike looks over the more interesting decks to come out of SCG Columbus (read: not Bant Company) and shares his financial takeaways.
With the full Eldritch Moon spoiler available, Sheridan starts the task of picking cards with Modern potential. He suggests whether to buy or hold off at current prices.
Eldritch Moon previews start in earnest today, but last week brought five early spoilers to get us excited. Sheridan evaluates them for Modern today.
While Volcanic Island remains expensive, Eternal Masters does actually make Legacy more accessible. Check out Ryan’s advice on strategically buying into the format.
In time for GP Columbus, Brian highlights several eternal cards he’s getting requests to borrow. These are good places to park money right now.
Brian spent much of GP Minneapolis trading for Standard Eldrazi cards and sifting through the bulk bins. He explains which cards he’s targeting and why.
Moving into the Modern off-season, Sheridan explores the Taking Turns deck as a hot strategic and financial investment.
Eye of Ugin may be banned, but turn two Thought-Knot Seer is still legal.
By now everyone knows Nahiri, the Harbinger is the real deal in Modern. Mike identifies three traits that exemplify a Modern breakout card, and suggests several pick-ups.
Eye of Ugin may be banned, but there are still multiple archetypes featuring Eldrazi in Modern. Here’s one to watch out for this weekend.
Sylvain is back after his three-week break. Join him for another week of high-stakes bankroll management on MTGO where he goes over the latest buys and sales.