Modern has kept me busy lately. Fatal Push generated a metric ton of buzz, Dredge and Infect terrorized Modern and were subsequently nerfed, and most recently, I’ve had my heart set on building entire decks around the improvise mechanic or Smuggler’s Copter. All these developments have prevented me from writing about how Aether Revolt’s less obvious cards have worked their way into […]
Renegade Rallier
Adam shares what Modern cards and decks are thriving after the release of Aether Revolt.
Adam explains how Modern is reacting to Aether Revolt and the recent bannings, plus some of the opportunities that have come up in response.
I have a secret to tell about the Aether Revolt prerelease a few weekends ago: I didn’t play. Sure, the format was Limited, and I didn’t know the cards, and the days are getting longer—we can sit here and make excuses all day. What I was actually doing was playing Star Wars: Destiny, which, as […]
Abzan Company is back! Now featuring even more combos!
After playing 18 rounds of Magic across two formats in SCG Columbus, Brian has a good idea of where Standard and Modern are headed. He shares his picks for this week.